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Weekly Review #215 - FAA invests $121m to reduce risk of close calls at airports

Written by Vincent Lambercy | August 30 2023

First up, the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded more than $121 million to airports across the country to reduce the risk of runway incursions. The money will go toward reconfiguring taxiways that may cause confusion, installing new lighting systems, and providing more flexibility on the airfield.

Next up, in news from Lithuania, Riga Airport and the Lithuanian airport company Lietuvos oro uostai have committed to upgrading the electrical supply systems of their aerodromes using €3.65m (US$3.9m) of funding from the European Union. Over the next three years, the project will reconstruct the electrical network from the current 10kV to a 20kV network, and install a solar panel park on the roofs of several airport buildings to generate renewable energy.

From China, we have news that EHang Holdings Limited has had its EHang Unmanned Aircraft Cloud System (UACS) officially approved by the Civil Aviation Administration of China for trial operations. EHang's UACS supports the management of airspace, UAVs, flight plans and operators, enabling cluster management of multiple aircraft within the same airspace and ensuring safer and more reliable operations.

Last but not least, Australia's renowned Flying Doctor Service (Queensland Section) have chosen FlightAware to provide them with remote enhanced flight tracking capabilities. The RFDS is investing in FlightAware's full suite of capabilities as a solution for their operationally demanding flight tracking needs.

ANSP news

  • Close Calls and the New York Times: What You Need to Know - FAA - The U.S. aviation system is the safest in the world, but one close call is one too many. The FAA and the aviation community are pursuing a goal of zero serious close calls, a commitment from the Safety Summit in March. The same approach virtually eliminated the risk of fatalities aboard U.S. commercial airlines. Since 2009, U.S. carriers have transported more than the world’s population with no fatal crashes.
  • Runway Safety - FAA - Reducing runway safety risk remains a top priority for the FAA. The FAA created the Surface Safety Metric (SSM) to more accurately identify the greatest risks in the runway environment. Unlike previous metrics that focused on the number and severity of runway incursions, the SSM incorporates all types of relevant events that occur in the runway environment.
  • New LFV Board members - The Swedish Government has reached a decision on changes to the Board of Directors at LFV. As of 1 July 2023, major-general Jonas Wikman will assume a position on the Board, along with director Johan von Sydow and employee representative David Johansson.
  • FAA Invests Another $121M to Reduce Chance of Close Calls at Airports - Projects will reconfigure taxiways that may cause confusion, install new lighting systems and provide more flexibility on the airfield.
  • FAA Hits 1,500-Controller Hiring Goal for 2023 - The FAA has hired 1,500 air traffic controllers and met its 2023 goal needed to continue rebuilding its training pipeline. The agency also announced that it now has approximately 2,600 controllers being trained at facilities across the country. Many of these controllers are already certified to safely work some air traffic positions as they continue training on others.

Airports news

Market news

Reports and data

Research and innovation

  • How to make climate-optimal flying more attractive? - NLR News - NLR has completed the European research project on non-CO2 climate effects of aviation. This endeavor has yielded a large number of recommendations aimed at increasing the likelihood for stakeholders to implement operational improvements targeting the comprehensive climate impact of aviation. However, achieving voluntary implementation of these improvements by stakeholders presents challenges.