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Weekly Review #219 - Coordinated air and railway networks in the EU

Written by Vincent Lambercy | September 27 2023

First up, a new EU SESAR project has kicked off with the purpose of enhancing multimodal transport networks. MultiModX aims to plan and manage a system to coordinate air and rail networks for improved efficiency, predictability, and sustainability of the door-to-door passenger journey.

Next up, more news from SESAR JU with the launch of a three-year project to develop an approach for allocating navigation performance routes in the terminal area. GALAAD, short for 'Green Aviation – Lean Arrivals And Dynamicity' aims to enhance the flexibility and sustainability of arrival operations and involves nine companies from five different countries.


From Saudi Arabia, we're hearing about plans to unveil the Red Sea International Airport by the end of the year. Construction of the six-runway airport is already underway with the aim to initially handle only domestic flights to and from Riyadh and Jeddah. The airport will take on international flights midway through 2024.


And last but not least, there's news from NAV CANADA. The national air navigation service provider has released a proposal to revise customer service charges, effective from 1 January 2024. The proposal calls for decreased charges averaging 5.57% across its service categories.


ANSP news

Airports news

Context information

  • Air Traffic Management to come under EASA regulations - EASA has welcomed a decision by the European Commission to bring ATM into EASA’s regulatory framework.According to the aviation safety agency, the new set of rules lays the groundwork for a more efficient and uniform approach to operations improvement in support of the Single European Sky initiative.
  • Why aviation needs to prioritise cybersecurity – Airport World - After major data breaches hit American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and the Scandinavian airline SAS this year, it’s become evident that the cyber security threat to aviation is very real. As a result, in the US in March of this year, the Transport Security Association issued an emergency amendment to the security programmes of numerous airports and airlines.

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