Two things happened in the world of software development in 2001. The first one had a global impact and unlocked new ways to work in software development: the publication of the
Agile Manifesto for software development. In a nutshell, it contains four principles.
- Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
- Working software over comprehensive documentation
- Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
- Responding to change over following a plan
This changed how software was created and profoundly impacted the software engineering world.
At Skyguide, the first attempts at agility began in 2017, as we discussed in this FoxATM article. Why so late? Well, ANSPs and ATM system providers alike operate in a highly regulated environment and certification relies on documentation. The Agile Manifesto's 'working software over comprehensive documentation' principle is not an easy one to integrate with stringent certification processes. Cultural aspects also play a role, with people working on mission-critical software understandably not being keen on changing the way of working.
Is the ATM ecosystem slower than others when it comes to adopting new working methods? Certainly. But it's not without reason. This lesson is important to understanding the industry's history, life cycle, and ways of thinking. And, it is something to keep in mind when speaking industry partners. No, ATM does not always have the latest, shiny technologies. 'Cloud' is still a new concept. Change is slow. But this is for a good reason: human lives depend on it.