Weekly review #59 - July 29th

Picture of Vincent Lambercy
Posted by Vincent Lambercy

We're very pleased to see that COVID-19 hasn't disrupted the training pipeline for ATC organisations. ANSP recruitment campaigns are underway and running smoothly.


German ANSP, Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) and Switzerland's Skyguide both have recruitment drives in motion for courses starting this fall. 


DFS, in collaboration with the Hochschule Worms, are offering the opportunity to combine air traffic control training with earning a bachelor of science in Air Traffic Management. 


Skyguide are advertising their school for higher vocational training and the chance to earn an Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education as an Air Traffic Controller. 


This is in sharp contrast to the response to ATC shortages in the past. The growth of air traffic in Switzerland in the early 2000's was a critical issue that resulted in long hold-ups for passengers, reduced training, reduced airport capacity and frantic recruitment from abroad. 


Air traffic control training demands a lot of time, effort and money for ANSPs to find the right candidates. It's always nice to see a lesson learned! 


ANSP news

  • ENAV First half 2020 results to be published on September 29 - First half 2020 results to be published on September 29, 2020 in order to include the effect of the temporary derogation to Single European Sky regulation.
  • CMA final decision on air traffic control charges dispute between NATS and CAA - The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has acted as the independent body charged with looking into a price control dispute between the Civil Aviation (CAA) and NATS (En Route) Plc (NERL). NERL rejected the CAA’s price control decision for the 5 year period 2020-2024 and so the CAA referred the matter to the CMA for investigation. In light of the evidence received, the CMA has concluded that it is not yet possible to assess the full impact of the pandemic on the aviation industry and NERL’s business.

Market news

Context information

  • DFS endows professorship for air traffic management - DFS, the German air navigation service provider, has endowed a professorship for air traffic management at the University of Applied Sciences Worms. A contract to this effect between the University and DFS was signed in Worms.

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