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Weekly review #27 – 29th of November 2019

Written by Vincent Lambercy | November 29 2019

Can small and medium enterprises play a role in ATC and airports industries? Recent consulting activities and preparing our market directory bring me in contact with many of the "not so big" players of the market. Competing against the big ones is not easy but there are many success stories that confidently confirm that yes, there is a space for smaller providers. See for example our interview of MetSafe CEO which works with the French ANSP, or this week's announcement by Aeroficial Intelligence having AirBaltic as a new customer. There are plenty of smaller providers ready out there, some established for decades in their niches and it is up to ANSPs and airport operators to look after them and take a chance on them. UTM is a different story, as this is a new market and almost all players are young. Whether you are buying or selling on this market, keep an eye on and on our linkedin page and don't hesitate to get in touch if you need help looking for partners, customers or suppliers.

ANSP news

Airports news

  • ACI introduces APOC peer review - After a successful pilot with Geneva Airport being the guinea pig, ACI now offers Airport Operation Center review by peers from other airports and EUROCONTROL NM experts.

Context information

Market news

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