Welcome to this week's FoxATM Market Radar review. It contains all links posted on our linkedin page and some more, all from this week. Follow the page to get our daily picks.
This summary contains additional links with news, interesting releases and a sometimes bit of opinion. None of it is sponsored or affiliated.
This was the surprise of the week: aireon is now certified as an ANSP by EASA. The consortium will not hire ATCOs and look for an airspace to control but their processes have been audited and certified. As a result, aireon can provide "surveillance as a service" to other ANSPs and therefore simplify the certification process.
The NUAIR alliance looks for presenters for their drones symposium to be held on 16th to 18th of September in Verona, NY. One of the topics is the integration of ATM and UTM.
The race for UTM integration also keeps going in Europe with one more state launching services allowing ATCOs to get information about drones flying around...
As reported in this article by the Times of India, Airports Authority of India (AAI) contracted Boeing to help building a 10 years ATM modernisation roadmap. The interesting point here is that this project is partly funded by the US Trade and Development agency. So the US government helps another government to fund a contractor for drafting a roadmap and Boeing gets the job. Will this give US companies some advantage for the 10 years follow-up project?
As always, if you want to share something, don’t hesitate to contact us at radar@foxatm.com